
Welcome to WUA: Myrthe Stellingwerf

Myrthe Stellingwerf has been a part of the WUA team as Office Manager since early November. She ensures everything goes smoothly at the office, and that there’s a fresh lunch ready every day. In this short interview, we proudly introduce Myrthe!

Good to have you here, Myrthe. How did you end up at WUA?

“Through ‘Jobs through Ginny’. I already knew a little about WUA because I used to work for Temper as a hostess for a while. WUA was looking for a hostess for a usability day, so I applied for that position – but didn’t get it! I was a little annoyed, haha. Then later, I saw a vacancy posted on Ginny and I thought: I’m gonna show them I’m absolutely the right person for this!”

Why did you want for WUA specifically, why did you choose us?

“Because there’s such a good vibe here, I felt it immediately the first time I was here. The people who work here are fun, everyone’s so optimistic and always cheerful. That really energizes me. I can also kind of shape my own job, which I find very pleasant. So I can make it as fun as I want it to be.”

You have a background in copywriting, marketing, and business management. Tell me more about that: how are you planning to use that knowledge and experience to benefit our clients?

“I’ve worked in many different departments, with many different types of people from different cultures. I can adapt easily. I don’t think I’m a difficult person. I can get along with most people. When I check reports, my copywriting experience comes in handy. I’m a born organizer, and in this job, I can really dive into that.”

I heard you didn’t grow up in the Netherlands. Tell me about that.

“That’s right. I lived abroad until I was ten, in Venezuela and the Philippines. My parents went there for work. We travelled a lot, and I can remember a lot of it as well. At a certain point, we returned to the Netherlands because my parents wanted us to grow up with a lot of freedom in the Netherlands, and that wasn’t as easy in South America.”

Are you a lot like your friends?

“My friends and I are incredibly alike! We’re all a litte insane in the brain. They all really love food, that’s such a hobby of mine. If people don’t have any passion for good food, I can’t be friends with them.”

You’ve been here since November, and it’s January now. How would you describe the average WUAer?

“Funny, energetic, smart, positive. Although not everyone’s equally funny of course, haha.”

Which book do you think everyone should read, and why?

“I read a lot of cookbooks, I’m totally obsessed with them. I can spend hours browsing through cookbooks, it’s so satisfying. I even read them in bed sometimes.”

What’s your motto?

“In the end, everything will be okay. In my life, I’ve learned that there are moments in which you should just think: we’ll laugh about it in a year or so.”

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