
MIE 2020: How ING improves customer journeys in an agile and global organization

How do you effectively improve your digital customer journeys in a global and agile organization?

At the Marketing and Insights Event 2020 (#mie2020) that took place last week, our senior international research consultant Yannick Ludwig together with ING’s Philippe Noorderhaven engaged the audience with a talk about an inspiring multi country customer experience benchmark project WUA carried out for ING Group last year.

In this short blogpost, you’ll find the outline of the ING & WUA partnership. If you scroll down, we have the full slide deck available for you to view!

Background & challenge: ING’s value potential

ING Global sees strong growth in customers and digital traffic, translating into higher engagement, sales, revenues and strong financial results in the last years. Its digital leadership is reflected in the success of the digital model as the bank knows how to interact with their customers, also in a mobile-first world.

Mobile is becoming the primary channel for consumer service and sales interactions – also in banking – also at ING. And in mobile, other players than banks set customer expectations.

ING is active in over 40 countries. There is still a lot of value potential within the countries where ING operates, and to tap into this potential and keep up with customer expectations, ING needs to offer a best-in-class digital customer experience and move to a more efficient and scalable model.


Partnership & Solution: How ING and WUA collaborated

To help ING with their effort of optimizing their digital customer journeys, WUA set up a series of large CX benchmarking studies in Europe, covering 7 countries and 4 banking products: current accounts, personal loans, mortgages and investment banking. Using the WUA Digital Sales Scan, across 13 studies ING’s sales funnels were benchmarked against the competition.

In order to maximize the impact, ING and WUA set up joint presentations and action workshops. Combining ING’s internal funnel deep-dive figures and WUA’s qualitative insights and recommendations, the local teams of the respective markets were engaged and empowered to plan immediate next actions that have the potential to yield the greatest increase in conversion, ultimately resulting in happier and more satisfied customers.



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