Data Recap: 23,200 respondents assessed 4,164 different websites in 2017

This past year at WUA was once again a year full of interesting studies and valuable results, not just in the Netherlands but beyond its borders as well. For one, we’ve started studies in the United States, and we’ve hired a Business Manager USA, Germany and UK. This expansion also means an increase in the number of studies, and respondents as well. A few interesting insights:

  • A total of 23,200 respondents participated in our studies in 2017, compared to 17,850 in 2016: an increase of almost 30%.
  • 45% of respondents was from abroad.
  • WUA studied 35 different industries, of which 21 both on desktop and smartphone. Of these, 16 studies had multiple studies done within a year.
  • In these studies, 4,164 different websites were assessed, of which the large Dutch banks were assessed most often by far (+500 times more): 2,647 times, 2,597 times, and 2,557 times.

The trends in different countries

Generally speaking, American and British people tended to assess the websites more positively than Dutch and German people; it’s only in the Look & Feel in the in-depth phase that the scores are close together.

Looking at this graph and the one below, which only contains data about car insurance, we see the same trends. This shows Germans tend to be the most skeptical about Brand, followed by Dutch people, and that American and English people are the most positive about this. is the highest-scoring website of 2017

Consumers are most satisfied about the way websites work, and the most critical of their appearance.

The two highest-scoring websites of the year are (85) and (84), followed by three websites with average scores of 83, and 13 websites with average scores of 82. The strongest brands are Amazon, BestBuy, and ANWB. The websites with the best offer are,, and, and the websites with the best Look & Feel are and once again, and The least divided markets of the year were funeral insurance (79% in hands of the top-3 websites) and telecommunications packages (72%). The most divided markets were private lease in the USA, where the top-3 had 17% market share, and private lease in the UK, at 22%.

WUA continues to grow

The data above shows WUA has grown a lot in 2017. WUA is currently active in more than 12 different countries, including the United States, since this past year. We plan to expand even more in 2018, and have a corresponding increase in the number of studies.

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