Roos Rieu

Welcome to WUA: Roos Rieu

Roos Rieu has worked at WUA since early 2018. Within the Global Marketing team, she’s responsible for the brand, events, social media, content marketing, and many more great things! She’ll also take on tasks in Research Recruitment. In this interview, we’ll introduce Roos: a conversation about creating happiness and success, positivity, and chocolate chip cookies.

Good to have you here Roos, how did you end up at WUA?

“My subject of my thesis was Content Marketing & Customer Journeys. Through that topic, I quickly found WUA’s Web Performance Model. Ever since I’ve closely followed WUA on social media. A few years later, I was at a Digital Excellent Masterclass, where I struck up a conversation with Klaas. He invited me over at WUA for a cup of coffee, so a week afterward I was at the WUA office again! There wasn’t a specific vacancy at the time, but we definitely clicked, and there was more than enough to do within the marketing team. So one thing led to another…:-) “

What do you like best about working at WUA?

“That we work for really great companies and we can help them become more successful, our ambition to take over the entire world with this, and of course the people and the company culture! There’s such an energetic, positive atmosphere here, where there’s a lot of hard work, a lot of room for personal growth, professional development, and for fun! Oh, and the office is at an amazing spot in the heart of Amsterdam. What more do you want?”

Are you like your friends?

“Haha, tough question. Of course, everyone’s different. But in general, what I have in common with many of my friends is that we’re optimists, we’re good at enjoying life, and really love good food! And talking. Perhaps you do subconsciously pick your friends for these things…”

What’s your motto?

“‘Where focus goes, energy flows’ describes my motto perfectly. If you focus on positive things, you’ll automatically attract them. It’s such a shame to waste energy on negativity or to get stuck in issues you can’t influence. I truly believe you can create your own happiness and success!”

What can we wake you up for in the mornings?

“A trip to a beautiful, sunny destination! Or the sun, anywhere. If I know the weather’s going to be nice, there’s no way I can stay indoors. Oh, and for chocolate chip cookies! Or good coffee. Or a good glass of wine, haha. I love my bed, but it’s pretty easy to make me get up.”

When was the last time you cried?

“I recently re-watched ‘12 Years a Slave’, and I definitely couldn’t keep my eyes dry. It’s still so inhumane, so eye-opening to realize this happened to people, *by* other people. And that similar things are still happening today…”

What book is on your nightstand right now?

“Uhm, yeah, there are multiple. I always have the intention of reading more, but then I don’t make enough time for reading them… Last weekend, I started a new book: “Morning in Jenin”, a novel about the life of four generations from an Arab-Palestinian family. A very poignant story and beautifully written!”

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