
Towards Digital Excellence, one step at a time

What was good yesterday, isn’t good enough today. The digital customer experience for both sales and service journeys should not be good, but excellent. Making great digital strokes in small steps to eventually become the best way to beat the competition, that is the foundation of Digital Excellence. Becoming the best is a gradual process that happens step by step. And it’s a matter of mind set and changing your perspective. Towards Digital Excellence, one step at a time.

1. Winning mentality: Think big

Becoming the best and staying ahead of the competition isn’t just a matter of tools, structural customer research, or budget. Digital Excellence is also a matter of developing a winning mentality and learning to think big with an important end goal in mind.

Moreover, it is extremely useful to formulate the end goal before you even begin. Think of a BHAG, for example, or come up with a more concrete goal you want to reach in the future. The one Bill Gates had for Microsoft (in 1975) was: “A computer on every desk and in every home”. Of course that computer was/is equipped with a software product by… Microsoft. In 40 years, Gates has come pretty far!

Another reason to think big and to want to win is more practical in nature: winners receive 52 percent more preference from potential customers than the number 2 in a market. We know this through years of research, and at WUA! we call this fact The Winner Takes All. Being the best: it pays off and it is worthwhile to invest heavily in it.

2. Small steps on the way up

A “Big Bang” website release you work on for half a year with your online team which then goes live in digital is no longer of this age. It is much more effective and efficient to bring improvements to your digital domains step by step, based on incremental innovation.

The ingredients of the WUA! Digital Excellence Program


That does not mean that you’re operating without a “Big Idea” or a clear vision about what you’re doing, it means that you are constantly tinkering and optimising in small steps. And that’s a cyclical process of development, going live and launching, analysing studies and customer feedback, and then improving, after which the cycle starts all over again.

3. Change your perspective

Most online marketers only look at the conversion they get themselves, which they will then try to optimise. Yet almost everyone knows that potential customers are also checking out the websites of the competition. At an average conversion of 3%, 97% is ignored, whilst this is where the real potential for growth lies. Why isn’t this 97% buying from you but from your competitor? What actually happens on the website of competitor X or Y, and how is this website experienced and what can you learn from this? It’s time to change your perspective…

More about Digital Excellence

Digital Excellence is in WUA!’s DNA: for years we have been publishing rankings of the best in digital in various sectors. Through the digital benchmark of customer journeys we’ve built, and our many years of experience, we know that it is extremely valuable to compare your digital performance to that of the competition; the number 1 in one market takes 52 percent more preference than the number 2. It’s not about your results, it’s about your results compared to those of your competitors.

Want to read more about Digital Excellence? Please take a look at “WUA! Digital Excellence Program launches with monthly tracker” and “Digital Excellence & Scrum: 3 reasons for a perfect marriage”.

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