Behavioural psychology principles that help optimize conversion


In this whitepaper, you’ll find inspiring examples of behavioural psychology we’re using in our Deepdive reporting and analysis at WUA. Even though we love to think of ourselves as unique, there’s an awful lot of things we all have in common when reacting to websites, apps, online stimuli, and so on. After all, we are only humans, right?

These psychological theories and examples, along with our practical examples and screenshots, will help you to sharpen your online customer experience and improve your website. Among the theories are The Bandwagon Effect, Isolation effect, and much more.

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A picture is worth a thousand words

We live in a fast-paced society where instant gratification has become the norm. The internet has become the number one tool to satisfy our impatient quest for both knowledge and entertainment, but not all websites have adapted accordingly.


Catch online visitors’ attention

Wouldn’t it be great if you could immediately grab the attention of every visitor to your website? To spark their interest and lead them in the right direction? To make sure they see exactly what you want them to see? Well, guess what: you can!


A more persuasive website

The Bandwagon phenomenon describes people’s tendency to conform to a group. Some proven methods, such as social proof, testimonials, and client cases, effectively play into this ‘Bandwagon effect’. But what is the Bandwagon effect exactly? And… how can you benefit from the knowledge you have on this effect when optimizing your digital customer experience?


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