
This led KoodoMobile.com and MintMobile.com to the highest CX Score in Sim Only studies Canada & USA

The ease with which respondents can find information about a ‘Bring Your Own Device’ plan, leads KoodoMobile.com to the highest CX Score in the WUA Sim Only study in Canada (July 2019). The same is the case for MintMobile.com that ranks first on CX in a similar study in the United States. Taking visitors by the hand and explaining where to go next, leads to the highest-ranking CX score. What explains KoodoMobile.com and MintMobile’s online success? ​

KoodoMobile.com: Easy to find what visitors are looking for

Upon landing on the product page, visitors are immediately presented with the information they are looking for – the product and the various steps on how to apply. These entry points make it easier for the consumer to further navigate the page. The menu is straightforward as well. The simple menu shows limited options and has clearly labeled starting points. Highlighting the page reminds visitors they are looking at the menu of the website.

The website is organized in colored tiles, making it easy to segment and bundle information about a specific topic. This way, website visitors know what information belongs together. In the words of the consumer: “The tile organization is awesome, and the amount of content per tile is perfect.”

The webpage is short, preventing visitors from getting lost and limiting the amount of scrolling needed. When getting to the bottom of the page, a ‘back to top’ button easily returns them to the starting point. ​

MintMobile.com: ​Bring Your Own Device plan: steps are laid out for website visitor

When taking out a Sim Only plan while keeping your own device, consumers have the option to check if their phone is compatible. Upon landing on the website of Mint Mobile consumers

Below, Mint Mobile manages expectations in three easy steps. Mint Mobile helps consumers to ensure their cellular service will work by explaining that it is required for their phone to be unlocked.

Further down the list of frequently asked questions about the subject explained above, answers are given to make sure the visitor will understand. ​

​Easy to compare offer on website Mint Mobile

On the Plans page, the offer is clearly presented which makes it easy to compare, allowing customers to find a plan that best suits their needs. ​
Instead of having a big button stating ‘Buy now’, the button reads ‘More details’, which leads to a detailed page that breaks down the specific offer. By doing this, MintMobile.com makes sure visitors first get all the information they need, instead of leading them directly to the order process where they might choose to exit the page. ​

Further down, MintMobile.com includes what happens after consumers take out a Sim Only plan; managing visitors’ expectations once again. ​

Two of many Best Practices

These best practices are two of many from our Digital Sales custom-made report. Learn from the best players in the market through best practices from the study as well as other industries in the WUA benchmark. With the Digital Sales Scan reports, WUA paints a crystal-clear picture for you of the best practices at screenshot level. Our experts will lead your team through problem areas on your website, and help your teams set priorities and concrete next steps. Stay ahead in the race against the competition and see what we can do to help you can to be the best.

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